…finally, a beautiful photo arrives
This following piece is full of personal sentiment, and kindly shared from mia cara suocera, my dear mother-in-law. It also overlaps with my own piece, ‘…a source of comfort, a touchstone of normality’ , highlighting the importance (beyond just need) of food following the arrival of my daughter.
When reading Nonna’s story, you can’t help but feel drawn into the excitement and anticipation as she recalls that special day in our family, and the instant love for this tiny creature doing nothing more than gracing us with her presence. It also shows the generous spirit of a Nonna, who used food as a way to show her love and support for the very new, and very exhausted, family.
Nonna and Miss Miriam, first encounters - May 2019
May 18, 2019 was a memorable day for my family - Miriam, my wonderful granddaughter, was born. The memory of the wait is very vivid, with the concern for Sarah who was giving birth to her baby, the emotion for Stefano who was about to become a father, the prayers that everything would go well… and, finally, a beautiful photo arrives, with a mother and a father overwhelmed by emotion and a small creature, with a lot of hair and two scrutinizing eyes that seemed to say, ‘Here I am, now I too am in your lives and in your hearts, and you will see how everything will be more beautiful!’.
“It is true, Miriam, you have stunned my heart, filling it with love and wonder...”
That day I wanted to be useful and, like all Italian mothers, I thought that above all I should feed the two parents, overwhelmed by tiredness and by the new sensations... what could I do in a short time and with the few kitchen tools put at my disposal by a nice English landlady (who I was staying with at her bed and breakfast)? An idea! A classic salad of potatoes and green beans, one of Stefano’s favourites and a guaranteed healthy boost to the hospital food. The next day, I prepared the salad, filled up the largest plastic container I could find, and brought it to the new family.
Even though I have made this salad many times before, every time I make it now I think of that day, May 18, 2019, when I became a grandmother. I think back to a mind so clouded with emotions that I couldn't think of anything more appetizing to take to the hospital for Sarah and Stefano, who, a few hours before, had become a mom and dad.
Potato, Green Bean and Carrot Salad
Potato and Green Bean Salad
400g Fresh and already washed green beans
400g Peeled and chopped potatoes
2 or 3 sprigs of parsley
Three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar (though Nonna prefers apple cider vinegar)
Salt to taste
Steam the green beans and potatoes for about 30 minutes. As soon as they are cooked, pour them into a salad bowl. When they are lukewarm, pour the emulsion obtained with salt, oil, vinegar and chopped parsley. Mix and serve.
Of course, you can add other ingredients, such as carrots, to be steamed together with green beans and potatoes.